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The Connector is a monthly newsletter highlighting news and updates in the Research Administration community. To subscribe to the monthly newsletter, click here. Below are monthly featured articles in The Connector.
Why is FSU Changing to Pooled Fringe Benefits?
FSU is implementing a new simplified process for calculating fringe benefits to employee salaries which will change how fringe benefits are charged to sponsored projects.
OVPR Program for Partial Salary Support of Faculty
The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) will provide funding to cover 5% of the current salary plus the applicable fringe benefits for faculty supported exclusively by external contract or grant funds to provide non-sponsor funded time for their participation in proposal development and writing.
Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter
New content is available monthly to help you become a better grant writer. New funding opportunity postings are included as well.
Funding Bulletin
Upcoming key funding opportunities for FSU faculty across all disciplines.
Research Development Event
Research Mentor Academy
May 6-8, 2024
June 3-5, 2024
Research Development OnDemand Workshops
NSF CAREER Series (4 Workshops)
Florida Humanities Community Project Grants Webinar
NEA GAP and Challenge America Programs
Pooled Fringe Benefit Rates Implementation
Open Science Community Meeting: Preregistration
Spring 2024 Research Development Digest
A quarterly resource guide supporting faculty in creativity and innovation.
Funding Bulletin
Upcoming key funding opportunities for FSU faculty across all disciplines.
Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter
New content available monthly to help you craft a competitive proposal.
Research Development Event
Summer Research Mentor Academy
Save the date for our RMA for Postdoctoral Scholars May 6-8, and for the RMA for Humanities Faculty June 3-5. https://www.research.fsu.edu/research-offices/ord/research-mentoring/research-mentor-academy/
What are cost transfers, and what do we need to know to ensure compliance?
Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter
New content is available monthly to help you become a better grant writer. New funding opportunity postings are included as well.
Funding Bulletin
Upcoming key funding opportunities for FSU faculty across all disciplines.
Sage Impact Databases: You now have access!
FSU Libraries now have access to the full Sage Learning Resources suite, a collection of resources with multi-disciplinary content in a variety of formats such as video, cases, datasets, and more.
Research Development Events
February 22 – March 22, 202
National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Workshop Series
April 15, 2024
Carothers Lecture with Dr. Mariana Fuentes: Opportunities for Conserving Marine Species in a Changing World: A Case Study with Sea Turtles
Research Development OnDemand Workshops
One stop ITS toolkit for Faculty and Researcher is now available!
Milton Carothers Lecture Series - The Landscape and Importance of Social Safety Nets for Economically Marginalized Families.
Sage Impact Databases: You now have access!
Open Science Community February Meeting
Funding Bulletin: Upcoming key funding opportunities for FSU faculty across all disciplines.
Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter: New content available monthly to help you craft a competitive proposal.
Research Development Events
February 7th: Florida Humanities Community Project Grants Webinar
February 22nd – March 22nd: National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Workshop Series
Register by February 26th: Collaborative Collision – Mental & Behavioral Health
ATTN Researchers: Check out REDCap for Survey and Data Management Needs
REDCap is a web-based research survey and data management application that provides secure data capture. FSU offers training, consultations, assistance, and general project management for REDCap.
Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter
New content is available monthly to help you become a better grant writer. New funding opportunity postings are included as well.
Funding Bulletin
Upcoming key funding opportunities for FSU faculty across all disciplines.
Winter 2023 Research Development Digest
A quarterly resource guide supporting faculty in creativity and innovation.
Research Development Event
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
On January 22nd, Program Managers from the U.S. Department of Defense will share an overview of CDMRP, cover specific programs upcoming in Fiscal Year 2024, and provide guidance on application submissions.
Applications Now Open for the Community Engaged Research Partnership Award
Applications are now open for the Community Engaged Research Partnership Award to recognize and support tenured mid-career and senior faculty at FSU who are committed to research collaborations with community partners. Applications for this pilot program must be submitted by Friday, Dec. 15.
ATTN Researchers: Check out REDCap for Survey and Data Management Needs
REDCap is a web-based research survey and data management application that provides secure data capture. FSU offers training, consultations, assistance, and general project management for REDCap.
Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter
New content is available monthly to help you become a better grant writer. New funding opportunity postings are included as well.
Funding Bulletin
Upcoming key funding opportunities for FSU faculty across all disciplines.
Discovery Days On Demand
In case you missed it, FSU Research Development’s 3-part series on Innovation Through Collaboration is now available through our On Demand Learning page.
Finding Funding 101 On Demand
FSU Research Development guides researchers on how to find funding opportunities using the Pivot database.
Research Development Event
The Art of Collaborating Internationally
In partnership with International Education Month, join us for a virtual workshop on November 29th where a panel of researchers will share their experiences and advice for building and maintaining successful international collaborations.
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
On January 22nd, Program Managers from the U.S. Department of Defense will share an overview of CDMRP, cover specific programs upcoming in Fiscal Year 2024, and provide guidance on application submissions.
College of Medicine Event
Health Related Research Retreat
December 6, 2023
Location: August B Turnbull Conference Center
SAVE the DATE for the Health Related Research Retreat at FSU on December 6th, 2023. Email Jennifer Gerson to RSVP.
Inaugural FSU Discovery Days Celebrates Innovation Across Campus
From inspiring speakers to commercialization seminars, the inaugural Florida State University Discovery Days had something for everyone.The weeklong celebration showcased research, creativity and innovation from colleges and departments around campus.
Here’s a look at some of what was featured.
New Faculty Award: Community Engaged Research Partnership Award
This is a pilot faculty award program, made possible as a part of the Institutional Challenge Grant program awarded to the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) by the William T. Grant Foundation, Doris Duke Foundation, and Spencer Foundation.
ATTN Researchers: Check out REDCap for Survey and Data Management Needs
REDCap is a web-based research survey and data management application that provides secure data capture. FSU offers training, consultations, assistance, and general project management for REDCap.
eSPEAR Continuing Education (CE) Requirement Deadline Approaching Soon!
Researching Computing Center (RCC) new site is dedicated to advancing the visibility and availability of research technology at FSU.
Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter
New content is available monthly to help you become a better grant writer. New funding opportunity postings are included as well.
Funding Bulletin
Upcoming key funding opportunities for FSU faculty across all disciplines.
Empowering Minds through Data Science and Machine Learning Symposium
Join FSU Libraries for a showcase of the exciting data science and machine learning research currently being conducted by FSU students!
Office of Research Development Event
How to Fund a Research Center
Join us for a virtual workshop with insights from a panel of current Research Center Directors.
November 14, 2023
Sponsored Research Administration Event
SRA Open House
Date October 27
Location: Student Services Buidling,874 Traditions Way, 3rd Floor.
College of Medicine Event
Health Related Research Retreat
December 6, 2023
Location: August B Turnbull Conference Center
SAVE the DATE for the Health Related Research Retreat at FSU on December 6th, 2023. Email Jennifer Gerson to RSVP.
FSU Office of Research: Discovery Days
The FSU Office of Research is proud to announce the first ever Discovery Days, a weeklong celebration of research, creativity and discovery. A full week of events to give the public a behind the scenes glimpse of FSU's incredible faculty, students and staff engaged in creativity and discovery.
Don't miss this amazing week of discoveries - from concerts to "Shark Tank" style pitch competitions!!
Visit Discovery Days Calendar of Events
Studies Involving Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare
Office of Human Subjects Protection (OHSP) has consolidated and co-located IRB guidance into a new OHSP web page.
Florida State Open Publishing Invites proposals for openly accessible scholarly and creative works.
RCC Website Moves to New Location Researching Computing Center (RCC) new site is dedicated to advancing the visibility and availability of research technology at FSU.
Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter
New content is available monthly to help you become a better grant writer. New funding opportunity postings are included as well.
Upcoming key funding opportunities for FSU faculty across all disciplines.
Fall 2023 Research Development Digest A quarterly resource guide supporting faculty in creativity and innovation.
Build your research website with CreateFSU - A free web hosting service offered by the FSU Libraries which provides FSU faculty a digital space to showcase their research, teaching, and creative projects.
Changes to Workflow Routing for ePRFs and SpearMart Requisitions on Sponsored Projects - The approval thresholds on electronic payment request forms (ePRFs) and SpearMart requisitions from $1,000 to $5,000.
Office of Research Development Events
September 25, 2023, Finding Funding 101 Location: Zoom
September 29, 2023, Fundamentals of Research Mentoring. Location: Zoom
October 3, 2023, Translating Science into Practice, Location: Miller Hall, Doak Campbell Stadium, 3rd Floor University Center C
October 4, 2023, Discovering your Constellation of Collaborators, Location: The Globe Auditorium
November 14, 2023, How to Fund a Research Center, Location: Zoom
Sponsored Research Administration Event
Date, SRA Open House, Location: Student Services Buidling,874 Traditions Way, 3rd Floor.
College of Medicine Event
December 6 & 7, 2023, CTSA Fall Retreat, Location: TBD
SAVE the DATE for the FSU Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) on December 5th and 6th, 2023. Click the link to email Jennifer Gerson to RSVP.
RAMP Agreements vs. SpearMart’s Contract Module - FSU has two systems used to review, approve and execute contracts - the Research Administration Management Portal (RAMP) Agreements Module and the SpearMart Contract Module.
Mass Personnel Updates in RAMP Agreements & Grants Modules - Mass personnel updates may be requested to update administrative assignments on multiple projects in a single run. This is much more efficient than past methods that allowed update to only one project at a time.
Florida State Open Publishing - Florida State Open Publishing (FSOP), a service of Florida State University (FSU) Libraries, invites proposals for openly accessible scholarly and creative works.
Check out current funding opportunities!
Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter: New content available monthly to help you craft a competitive proposal.
Early Career Research Development Program
One-on-one RD Consultations for First Year Assistant Professors.
Research Mentoring Workshops and Seminars for FSU Researchers
Fundamentals of Mentoring, Mentors in the Making, or Custom Mentorship Training Programs.
ICYMI: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Loan Repayment Programs (On Demand)
ORD Event
September 8, 2023
First Year Assistant Professor Workshop
Register by August 28, 2023
Making the Determination: Subrecipient vs. Contractor
Preparing a research proposal budget and unsure if you have a subrecipient or contractor or why it's important to make the distinguish between the two? Understanding the difference is vital to your proposal. Click here to see why!
National Science Foundation’s Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR or RCR)
Effective July 31, 2023, Florida State University will be required to have a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight on the responsible and ethical conduct of research beyond students and postdocs to also include faculty and other senior personnel who will be supported by NSF to conduct research.
FSU’s Office of Research plan to use the CITI Program to deliver content and assist in documenting training completion. Information on how to complete the necessary training is available on the Research Compliance website. If you have immediate questions, please reach out to Diana Key, Director, Research Compliance Programs at dkey@fsu.edu.
SRA Monthly Activity Metrics
Sponsored Research Administration (SRA) is excited to post the inaugural monthly activity metrics report. These metrics include information such as Award and Award Modification Average Processing Times, Number of Proposals Submitted to Sponsors, and much more. Click here to learn more.
RAMP Launches New Administrative Editor Role
Departments can now identify department users as an Administrative Editor in RAMP. Click the link to learn more on this role and how it benefits your department.
New RAMP Grants Site Search Update
Searching for for an associated award workspace just got a whole lot easier. Click the link to learn more!
Research Mentoring Academy
Learn more about ORD's mentoring training is supporting the upcoming submission of two grant programs. Click the link to learn more!
ORD Funding Bulletin
Check out current funding opportunities!
Summer Research Development and Grant Writing News
A resource guide supporting FSU faculty in creativity and innovation.
ORD Events
July 17th: A Collaborative Grantseeking Approach for Arts, Humanities, Museums, and Libraries
July 31st: Research Mentor Academy for Faculty Researchers in Humanities
August 1st: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Loan Repayment Program
Submitting a Proposal to SRA or FSURF? Remember the Three Day Rule! - It’s here – proposal submission time! You’ve worked diligently over the past few months to prepare all the required documents. You’ve reached out to your Grants Officer and had conversations with them about various items. Your budget/budget narrative are complete, you’ve entered information in RAMP, and you have prepared a rough draft of the scope of work. Now, all that’s left to do is press submit and send it to the agency, right?
Research Mentoring Academy - Learn more about ORD's mentoring training is supporting the upcoming submission of two grant programs: NSF Broadening Participation of Aerospace Engineers Through Academic Enhancement and Professional Preparation (BP-AP) and HRSA’s Health Careers Opportunity Program: National HCOP Academies.
Are you a FSU Researcher who's looking for resources for Research Development or Grant Writing?
ORD Funding Bulletin- Check out current funding opportunities!
Collaborative Collision Finale - To see the winning team and more information about all of the finalist teams, click the link above.
ORD Revamped Arts Funding Resource - Faculty in the Arts interested in pursuing external funding for their research and/or creative projects have a wealth of exciting opportunities to choose from. Click the link above to explore the revamped site.
NSF CAREER: Catchup on the Workshops you Missed! - ORD has all five of our 2023 NSF CAREER workshops available through our On-Demand Learning portal: https://www.research.fsu.edu/research-offices/ord/on-demand-learning/ ! Need more? Visit our NSF CAREER Toolkit at https://www.research.fsu.edu/research-offices/ord/rd-resources-and-services/nsf-career-toolkit/home/ It’s not too late to start writing!!
OHSP New Web Page - Providing the research community with easy-to-access guidance on human subjects and Institutional Review Board (IRB). Click the link above to learn more.
New Analytics Tool: Microsoft Power BI Premium - is now available to FSU Departments. Click the link above to learn more!
President McCullough Wants Everyone to Understand What HERD Is
Are you a FSU Researcher who's looking for resources for Research Development or Grant Writing?
SciENcv Mandatory Requirement by NSF
Build a Web Presence for your Research with CreateFSU
Interested in Research Grants in the Arts and Research Labs?
National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Workshop
Looking for Early Career Funding Opportunities
Celebrate the Accomplishments of FSU Researchers at the PEN & Inc Recognition Event
Searching for Funding Opportunities
Discover What the Office of Research Development has to Offer for Research Faculty